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I have attended grow with us workshops led by Mindy Becker. Mindy has a gift in presenting the material clearly and with contagious enthusiasm! I have come away with the desire to share the information with every parent that I meet, implement strategies that she shared, and have seen great success with my toddler. I would encourage any parent to attend her workshops.

What Mindy teaches through Grow With Us workshops is not just great parenting tips. It is the TOOL I have been looking for. It’s the recipe for being a great person and raising great people. Mindy has taught me how to be effective in parenting and life skills. What Mindy teaches has the power to change lives! For me, breathing techniques, positive verbiage and using a safe place for my son has been life-changing.

Thank you Mindy for the work you do daily to touch and change the lives of so many!

— Aly & Brayden

“I learned so many valuable lessons during the 7 weeks of level 1; from breaking down where what brain stage my kids are at, to learning to not be a Q-tip and not take things personal!  Mindy was a fun, engaging and charismatic presenter!  I really looked forward to attending each class!!”

— Carolina Puerto

I really can’t say enough how much I adore Conscious Discipline and what it has done for me and my family…ahhhh! I express my gratitude for it daily…and for you! Thank you so much for introducing this way of life to us! I am in awe of Lion and of myself daily as we are both living consciously and compassionately. I can’t imagine where we would be without it.

– Summer Sullivan

I have known Mindy for only three weeks and she has already changed my life and my relationship with my two-year-old daughter. My daughter was acting out and I was at my wit’s end. I came to Mindy and signed up for her Connected Parents workshop and later one-on-one parenting sessions. I began to employ some of her techniques and almost immediately, they began to work. Her techniques are meant to help teach children to regulate their emotions. In the process, I am learning to regulate my own emotions.
If you, like me, are someone who wants desperately to connect to their child and they think they are doing everything right but not getting results, then Mindy may be your answer.

— Sandra K.